What Foods Can Guinea Pigs Eat And Not Eat

Guinea pigs are always eating. Apple taste testing with your guinea pig.

Guinea pig food list food they can eat and food they should not.

What foods can guinea pigs eat and not eat. Of course dont try to force your guinea pig to eat apples just because theyre a nutritious fruit or because theyre your favorite fruitlike with all fruits and vegetables you plan to give be sure to test whether your pet even enjoys eating them first. January 10 2013 the below guinea pig dangerous foods list is a compilation of vegetables fruits and herbs that are not safe for guinea pig consumption. Its different for everyone and depends on what is in season whether you are interested in foraging for greens and what you think is good for your guinea pig not to mention what your pig is willing to eat.

Photo courtesy of happy cavy fan pyza. What can guinea pigs eat. What do people really feed their guinea pigs.

They originated in the andes of south america and studies based. If you dont think you should know then youre sadly mistaken since guinea pigs cant consume just anything. We provide an detailed list of food your guinea pigs really like and also a blacklist which food should not be provided to build up a proper diet.

Do you know what vegetables can guinea pigs eat and the vegetables they cannot. We take a look here and find out more. Whether its pellets grass hay daily greens or the occasional fruit snack it may often seem like your guinea pig is born to eat and create magic beans.

Learn here and much more. You should be aware as to which diet is good for your guinea pig and what it likes to be fed with. Favorite vegetables and fruits.

Can guinea pigs eat apples. The guinea pig or domestic guinea pig cavia porcellus also known as cavy or domestic cavy is a species of rodent belonging to the family caviidae and the genus caviadespite their common name these animals are not in the pig family suidae nor do they come from guinea in africa and the origin of their name is still unclear. We look at whether they can or not and what considerations need to be taken into account before feeding them to your cavy.

Can guinea pigs eat dandelions. Guinea pig dangerous foods.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Green Peppers Online Guinea Pig Care

Guinea Pig Eating

Guinea Pig Food Information Petcha


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